That the movie Partner is slowly turning into a blockbuster is well known to all. The total collection, in India alone, during the past two weeks is said to have crossed Rs. 50 crores. As the other new releases didn’t woo the movie goers much, Partner is said to continue its dream run. And director David Dhawan, Salman Khan and Govinda are already planning to make a sequel titled Tom and Jerry. The producers and distributors are all smiles but looks like it will be short lived.
Partner is a remake of an English movie Hitch, the title role of which was done by Will Smith. Will Smith, a big fan of Bollywood movies; offered the heroine role to Aishwarya Rai but due to date issues she could not do it. When Will Smith came to know of this blunt copy of his movie he immediately informed the producer that he is planning to file a case seeking compensation to the tune of $30 million which would roughly amount to Rs. 120 crores. Whether they win the case or not, this is a good lesson for anyone who decides to remake a movie without getting prior permission.
Hollywood sues Indian producer for 120 crores
Labels: Bollywood Gossip