The Chennai City Police have arrested actress Padma Narayan - a popular model and of T Rajender's heroines - with charges of blackmail. The police said that she threatened to use videos of them in compromising position in a 5 star hotel room. The actress is said to have demanded Rs. 10 crores from the businessman Pradeep K, an offer which if he refuses, she will let the videos go public. He agreed to pay her Rs. 25,000 for the one night they spent in the hotel room, a fee which she agreed to.
Pradeep fulfilled his part of the deal after which the actress decided to get more out of him. She threatened to make the videos public unless he gives her Rs. 10 crores. He offered settling the issue for Rs. 10 lakhs but she was adamant and insisted for Rs. 10 crores. To further discuss the matter, Padmavathy called to him to the same hotel where they engaged in the sexual act. He met her with three men who were her friends.
When they met, the actress showed the business man almost 15 nude pictures of them both in the act. He immediately offered 15 lakhs to her on the spot. She still didn't accept anything less that 10 crores. She told the three men around her to kill the businessman if he doesn't give her initial request of 10 crores rupees.
Padma Narayan left the hotel immediately after which Pradeep went to the assistant commissioner of Police at St. Thomas Mount station. He and the police together planned to trap the actress
When Padma Narayan has moved away from the hotel, Pradeep escaped from the place ad approached the Assistant Commissioner of St. Thomas Mount police station to his rescue. According to the plan, he got back to actress to settle the matter. She said that it would be difficult to for him to give her 10 crore rupees straightaway. He suggested that she buy something from a local jewelry shop on Cathedral Road.
She arrived at the shop in her Honda City. As soon as she entered the jewelry store, the disguised policemen in the store captured her. She was questioned by the police and confessed about the three men who were with her. Their names are Sanjay - a model/actor, Ameer John and Chandran. The police arrested all of them and remanded then to 15 days judicial custody.
Actress Padma Narayan arrested
Labels: Tollywood Gossip