Deepa Mehta will be making a film on domestic violence titled Heaven on Earth. The film will be based on the true story of a Toronto residing Punjabi woman, Amardeep, who is a victim of domestic violence. Deepa had filmed a documentary on Amardeep’s life last year and now she is planning to make a feature film on the same. If things go as planned, Deepa would also shoot the film; in Ludhiana, Punjab. The last time when Deepa was shooting in India for Water, some fundamentalist groups disrupted the shoot due to which she had to re-shoot the film in Sri Lanka. Talking about the starcast of Heaven On Earth, Deepa says that she has finalized an NRI theatre actor Vrajendar to play the husband’s role. As for the role of Amardeep, Deepa will be signing a Punjabi actress. The film will go on the floors on October 20 in Toronto. | |